photo challenge

52 Frames by Michael Durr

2017 52 frame photo challenge. I admittedly fell off the wagon last year, but I am going to give this another go. I love the inspiration and the extra push to get off my bottom and shoot.

Feel free to follow my on Instagram @instadurr or check back here for updated images from the challenge.

2016: 52 Week Photo Challenge by Michael Durr

Dogwood Photography Presents


The weekly challenge will be in one of 3 categories:

Portrait: Portrait photography is really about capturing the essence of a person in an image. A portrait image can range from a classic portrait to candid, or from street photography to a selfie. Each time this category comes up we will dive into a different area of portrait photography. The main focus should always be a person/persons (or maybe a pet).

Landscape: In the context of the #dogwood52 photography challenge, this category is pretty broad covering both traditional landscapes, and some non-traditional areas such as urbanscapes. Don’t be afraid to really explore your surroundings in this category. If the focus is the environment you are in, it will qualify as Landscape in this category.

Artistic Impression: When this category comes up, you really have room to express yourself. You can interpret the assignment literally or figuratively. Unlike the other two categories that are more focused, the main focus of this category is to let your creativity shine.

I wanted to do this challenge to help inspire me throughout the year. Check back each week for a new photo.

Pierced Portrait by Michael Durr

After a nice Easter Sunday family gathering, my girlfriend and I decided to take a walk in a nearby forest preserve. We hiked to a small waterfall and after being there for about half an hour, a couple walked up. They were not the couple I would have thought to see hiking through the suburbs, but I knew immediately I wanted shoot their portraits. My girlfriend had to do a little convincing for me to actually approach them, but I did it. To be honest, I never even caught there names. I simply approached them and asked if I could take their portrait. That's why I love these challenges...It makes you think outside the box and gets you out of your comfort zone. My shot was highlighted on this weeks Gizmodo Photo Challenge.