wes douglas

Tattoo by Michael Durr

A fun little work prank.

Wes Douglas by Michael Durr


Wes Douglas is one of the founders Maddock Douglas, Inc. He's a talented artist and fun to work with. We have done a number of time-lapse whiteboard videos, and projects together. He also has a unique style of "graphic notes" where he documents meetings with sketches and creative type. It is a valuable take away. At Maddock Douglas we have what is called the 9@9 a daily meeting where we all discuss the happenings of the day or share news about work and life in general. Wes then takes his notes and picks highlights that he captures on a white board in the office. Every week he captures it digitally and sends it out via email. We also go a printed book of all of 2012 at our end of the year meeting. It was an awesome journal and great keepsake for the year. Check out some of his work.